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Contribution: Services
How do we Contribute?
We support UN Women;
We support local Canberra athlete Cameron Hill in his motor racing career;
We support a number of local charities and fundraising endeavours year over year.​
We volunteer our time to advocate for Women in our industry through the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). ​​
- We leverage our skills and knowledge to assist our Clients to deliver buildings for our community.
We do it in a collaborative manner, seeking to find balance in every outcome.
We do it with kindness and empathy.
Why Contribute?
In its simplest form, we all hold a moral and ethical responsibility to contribute to our communities.
Contribution is not about $.
Contribution is about each of us, adding value, leveraging our skills and expertise to enable our community to sustain life.
It’s as old as time, it’s not rocket science 🚀
What if I Don’t?
If we didn’t contribute, if we took the view, I have enough money, or I have a home, or I have X, I’m going to sit on the beach and chill, there’d be no: doctors, nurses, schools, hotels, restaurants, cars, electricity, internet, you name it.
Now, sitting there with enough money or a nice house or X feels and looks like a rather empty proposition if you’re sick with no one to treat you, if you can’t go on holiday anywhere, or can’t eat out, or can’t….
… not rocket science 🚀
How You Can Make a Difference?
Fortunately, nothing heroic is required.
It only takes 1.
Each person, doing a little, to build a sustainable, vibrant community.
Do your best, do your bit, our community will be the better for it.
… still not rocket science 🚀
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